Even a multi-national corporation operates on the strength of the individuals working within it, with each achievement gained through remaining a well-oiled machine. From individual employee awards, to team achievement awards and even awards ceremonies organised by the global corporation to recognize the achievements of others, we can produce corporate awards to fit any occasion. Depending on the situation, it may be best matched by a Lucite tombstone, an acrylic embedment or a plaque – the specifics are down to you, the craftsmanship is down to our experts.
We recognize the importance of the medical field and the developments made within. Our Lucite acrylic awards, tombstones and embedments make the perfect tool for acknowledging excellence through the commission of medical awards. Lucite tombstones can be displayed on a reception desk, outlining the objectives and achievements of a medical practice or organization. Our medical awards embody unique quality, and can be formed from your choice of materials – Lucite, wood, glass, crystal or marble.